Tag Archives: anger and fear

Change the Greed

I have been seeing a bunch of stuff online recently that is filled with anger and fear. It’s really kind of bugging me. Not in a really angry way. More of a “wake up, people.” kind of way.


Republicans are saying that Democrats are taking away our rights. I just want to say that I do agree with some of the stuff posted (2nd Amendment rights, mainly. The Public shall have the right to have guns (yes even “high-powered “Assault” weapons”) to defend against any US government that tries to overthrow the people. That tries to force it’s will upon the people in an unfair way. Like skyrocketing taxes. We fought a King and his army over crazy, stupid taxes. We have the right to do so against our own Banker/Politician Kings).

But that all this negative stuff about Obama and Democrats is getting old. The reason I say this is that the Republican Party is not that great either. They are made up of the same greedy, controlling people who really, honestly don’t give a damn about The People. They only care about Money and Control. How to get more money, and how to get people to give up their own control of their personal lives.


Honestly, if Romney won the Office, we would still be having many of the same situations now. Possibly not the Gun stuff going on, but all of the other stuff. Increased taxes upon all but the rich (who have all the money right now), and human rights being taken away, or curtailed. Including treating women with equality and respect. We would still have jobs leaving, and assistance for people who need it being taken away.

And no, most people who need assistance, need that, assistance. Not hand-outs, and “free lunches”. They need food stamps and financial assistance because all of the jobs have been taken away, or the hours have been cut so much that one can’t even pay their bills. People don’t “want” to be on assistance, they want to be able to have a comfortable home, with plenty of food on the table every day, for all meals. They want to have a nice, reliable vehicle, they want to be able to afford fuel for that vehicle so that they can continue to go to their place of earning income (preferably doing something they enjoy, as opposed to a job they HAVE to do). They want to be able to afford healthcare for themselves and their ENTIRE family, including their “furry children”. They want to have a healthy planet to take their family on outing without worrying about swimming in sludge, or camping on bio-hazard waste.

They don’t want “freebies” they want to Live, and love, and enjoy life with their family and friends.


But the Bankers and Politicians are giving away all of the jobs in this country in order to not have to pay Americans for their services. All so that they can get more money in their own pocket. So that THEY can have the nice house, great car, affordable healthcare, and good food on their table for every meal. They are doing all this stuff for themselves, and then turn around and say that the people they have made unemployed or destitute are scrounging, and stealing money from “Good, Hard working Americans”.

They are spreading lies that these no-low income people are just useless drunks and drug users trying to skim free money to buy more drugs and booze. No, they are not. The vast majority of people who are trying to get financial assistance and EBT (food stamps) are trying to Live. They are trying to survive. They don’t want to survive, but the greedy Bankers, Corporations, and Politicians are forcing them to live well below human needs. The fact that there is a large group of Americans who believe that these people WANT to stay poor and homeless and starving so that they can get “freebies from the State”, are, well, fucked in the head.


No one wants to starve. But when food costs so much that even cheapo Ramen Noodles (definitely not good for anyone. It’s just starch and MSG. Not even salt. No nutrience) is too expensive to buy, that is not living, nor surviving. That is starving. And the people who buy into the lies from the Bankers/Corporations/Politicians that the poor are ruining the nation, they need to really rethink what’s going on. Actually, they need to think, period.


Again, this is not blaming the Republicans (although they are the majority who are trying to take away Living Assistance from people), but the Democrats are to blame as well. They are just as hypocritical, and greedy as the Republicans. The entire system MUST be TORN DOWN and REBUILT.


It is possible for this Nation to employ most all Americans. There are many who actually are not capable of working. Who have disabilities that do keep them from being able to hold a job. I know. But this country has enough land and resources to employ most people and pay them a very good wage (not minimum wage BS. A real wage). To feed all Americans healthy, organic, free-range food. With the wealth that could be equally distributed Americans would be able to Live again. Have a nice home, a nice vehicle, a healthy family, and plenty of food, without the need for Assistance.

The only ones who would truly need financial, medical, and food assistance would be the disabled. Even then they don’t like it when people believe they are considered a “burden”. They want to help Society, and other people, but they cannot either due to mental or physical disabilities. Demonizing them doesn’t help anyone.


And that’s another thing. ‘Help’ is not an evil, Socialist, Communist, Satanist, freeloader thing. Help is something that is a good thing. It shows us that we are not “thinking of only Number one.” We are thinking of others, too. We are all human beings. Regardless of the pigment of our skin, eyes, hair, Beliefs, etc. The “Evil Brown Muslim” (lies from politicians/bankers, Greedy folk) want the same things we do here. They want to not have their homes invaded, to have plenty of food for all of their meals, to have a means of working, and to have good healthcare for their ENTIRE family. And they want to be able to thank whomever they choose. Just as we do here in America.


We The People want to have nice things and live a happy and fruitful life giving thanks to whomever we choose. We do not want to be slaves under the yolk of a few hundred rich people doing what they say what we need to do. They are the ones saying the “brown person” is bad and that we have to invade in order to save ourselves.

Those same rich people are over in the Middle East and Asia saying “The White person is evil. Destroy them because they are trying to keep you from happiness.” It’s the same lies being told to all the People of the World from the same small group of rich people. THEY want to keep the “little person”, the “peon”, angry at something so that they don’t realize that it’s just a small group of “kings” trying to keep all the wealth for them (they have all the gold, after all). If they keep us distracted then we won’t rebel and take their money, and control away from them. THAT is their biggest fear. Their loss of Control and suddenly being poor, like the “vermin we control”.


I agree with the Constitution of the United States. I agree with some of the Amendments made to it. But any amendments made that keep ANY person from Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness is not right, and not allowed. I also agree with the Bill of Rights. Politicians do not. They use those “pieces of paper” as a tool to take away our basic inalienable rights, and give them to themselves. All while saying the Poor and Middle-class, non-Christian (or Christians who don’t hate people who are different) are evil people, causing the Worlds problems. This country, and this Bank Controlled World needs a full colonic and a healthy reboot.


We are ALL One. We are Human Beings. We are a part of the Planet and all Life upon it.

There is no Us vs Them (overall). There is only Us. We. The only “them” is a small group who can grow. Because they, too, are Us. We. We The People of Planet Earth respect all Life on our planet and within the Universe. Namaste, Amen, Blessed be, Right on!